News tagged ‘web’

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All items tagged ‘web’

Event Sourcing at Studyflow Slides

posted at 2015-02-12

I’ve uploaded the slides for the “Event Sourcing At Studyflow” talk I gave yesterday at the Amsterdam Clojure Meetup. Continue reading…

Event Sourcing at Studyflow talk

posted at 2015-02-09

This Wednesday, 11 February 2015, I will be giving a talk at the Amsterdam Clojure Meetup about our experiences at Studyflow implementing Event Sourcing with Clojure / ClojureScript. Daniel Marjenburgh will also be presenting “VisualReview: Web application layout testing with … Continue reading…

New zeekat website design

posted at 2013-05-09

This week, I re-implemented my main website. The text on the old one needed to be revised heavily (in fact I removed almost all of it except a short bio and some longer articles) and I wanted to experiment with … Continue reading…

Announcement: clj-authsub – AuthSub client in clojure

posted at 2011-10-08

AuthSub is the authorization API Google uses for many of its products, meaning you can use it to ask a user to provide access to their private youtube listings, calendar entries etc without forcing them to hand over their password. … Continue reading…

Relatively sane conversion of PDFs to web-ready JPGs using ImageMagick.

posted at 2011-09-15

Some people when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use ImageMagick.” Now they have two problems.*

For one of the sites I’m maintaining a lot of content is generated directly from (more or less print-ready) PDFs. The only … Continue reading…

Announcement: pretzel – clojure predicate functions

posted at 2011-04-05

I’m working on pretzel right now. It’s a basic library that can be used to combine predicates and also holds a bunch of tests on string content. Code and documentation is on github. Continue reading…

Announcement: flutter-decline-demo – validation and form generation on compojure

posted at 2011-04-02

Some people indicated they wanted some example code for my clj-decline (validation) and flutter (form generation) libraries. So today I wrote a simple demo application that uses both. Get the code at github. Continue reading…

Announcement: flutter – clojure / hiccup form fields

posted at 2011-03-26

I’ve been working on flutter, a library for saner form generation today. First (pretty basic) release was done on clojars. Still working on many details, including more-or-less full-coverage tests. Get the code on github.

Also see the announcement on the … Continue reading…

Announcement: clj-decline – validation sucks.

posted at 2011-03-12

I pushed a new validation library for clojure to github yesterday. Check out clj-decline. Why another validation library? Well, why does validation suck so much? Of course, dealing with user input is annoying anyway. But validation libraries always seem to … Continue reading…

Announcement: ring-upload-progress

posted at 2010-09-18

I’ve forked off ring.middleware.multipart-params into a new library called ring.middleware.upload-progress It’s a bit rough-and-ready for now, and it uses the session to store the shared state about current uploads, which is probably not the best way to go about it … Continue reading…

Bassline Synth sourcecode now online

posted at 2009-03-31

I just released the source code for the simple synthesizer, for those who are interested. Continue reading…

using emacs’ (compile) command to track errors

posted at 2008-08-21

For a mod_perl project I’m working on I wanted a way to track the apache error log and jump to the source of the errors from emacs. Fortunately, emacs’ (compile) command makes this very easy:

;; restarts apache and track … Continue reading…

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